Mike Genovese used to go to High School with me. I think we even sat next to each other a couple times. The art teacher loved him and he was really popular with all the graph guys. He was a real asshole back then. I was going to beat the mess outta him, but my friends told me I would lose cool points, so I left him alone. Lucky for him he grew out of it and became succesful and even more talented. I even did a live charity show (Rock the Kids) with him at the Arts Club in Chicago. His work is getting better every show. It really took a lot out of me to say that. I feel like my soul died. He was on my list of people to beat up after I graduated. Really-
Anyway, this poster/flier he had is ingenius. I actually went to go move my sister's car one day. It got my neighbor Dave, too. He wasn't too happy about it though. I hate to say it, but I wish I thought of it. Bastard...
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