Persson you should know.

I have a confession. Before you hang me by my tail, you have to understand I am naturally horny. Just kidding, but not really. Sicilian women have a reputation or stigma, better phrase it; for being beautiful. I know it's just an exaggeration, but I have to concur. Many Italian women are far from unattractive. All people are beautiful. Every race has lovely representations for their genders, but most people know the Sicilians seem to have that thing...I am digging a hole-

Stina Persson has a series she dedicated to Sicilian women. If it were a male painter, do you think it would be offensive to some women? Anyhow, what caught my attention were the color combos via water color. These are difficult blends with a unforgiving medium. I don't always add the names of pieces, but this one is titled FILOMENA. That's Italian...

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