
the Sears Tower will be changing it's name to the Willis Tower. The Diff'rent Strokes jokes have already run their gambit.
But the issue is frankly a non-issue for many title loyal Chicagoans. Like Comiskey, and several other Chicago icons and landmarks. A corporate name will never replace the original marker, even if that was a name of a corporation as well.

For me, the Sears is more than a landmark. The Sears reminds me to aspire to reach my full potential. It reminds me of the superlatives in life while humbling me. And I get lost sometimes if I can't see it. You can change the name, but it will continue to inspire artists as long as it stands. And even after...

Here is a random image I found of it. Sometimes in art the more a figure is abstracted and changed the more recognizable it becomes. Can you name a figure besides Oprah, Capone, or Jordan more related to Chicago than the Sears Tower? That's what I thought.
What you talk'n 'bout Willis? -
had to do it for the street...

1 comment:

jdsoke said...

handbag by "JDSOKE"
view of the chicago skyline from the North Ave hook.
check for more photos JDSOKE fanpage on facebook