It's a Sotheby's world, you're just living in it.

So while I was sleeping, Sotheby's launched it's plan on world domination without consulting me. Early to rise...
At first I thought they were just a magazine publication dedicated to covering fine art in all it's capacity. Then I realized they had upped their game to realty. (They are selling on my block) That's gangsta! Just when I began to deal with that, they dropped a line about their institutes and offices in France, New York and London of course.
I was ready to calm down when I saw a glimpse of the calibur of work they auctioned. They also sell diamonds, have their own Master Card and have a cafe. I am still reading the first issue of Tableaux Et Dessins Anciens et Du xix Siecle, principalement de l'ecole Francaise, from Paris, weds, June 25th, 2003.
I now realize I have a lot of catching up to do. By the time I finish updating myself with all of Sotheby's hydra esque influences, scientists predict we will have cloned baby Jesus. The 8 lb 5 oz, Christ-mas version...

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