Steven Wiltshire; Autistic Genius

Steven Wiltshire
has the uncanny ability to project total recall of anything he sees. His photographic memory is so accurate he can draft a full pan sketch in scale and detail after being exposed to an arial view (via helicopter) once for just minutes. He has been published and aired many times. His talent is not only limited to visual media. He can also play the piano very well. His nick name 'The Living Camera" cannot even encompass the breadth of his skill. Watching him execute a scene is one of the most humbling experiences you can fathom. Similar to hearing a spelling bee where a 3rd grader spells words you thought were made up. After seeing him in action I take back two of the comments I made about London.


Estacio Villa: Professional for Hire said...

That is amazing. Nice post

Poster BOY said...

I finally agree with you Estacio, this dude is amazing!

The piece titled "Stephen in Tokyo" is dope!